dmc system t

(512) 931-1962
Szlifierka szerokotaśmowa - Automatyczne szlifierki szerokotaśmowe - dmc system t

dmc system t project is the maximum expression of versatility and is aimed at companies that need to carry out particularly complex calibration and sanding machining with high productivity.

We highlight the machining of solid wood doors, calibrations with high power, preparation of the base for the finishing coat appplication, high-gloss and 3D machining. Among the most innovative technologies developed by SCM, they deserve to be mentioned:

  • the exclusive planetary unit and the finesand units for multi directional sanding;
  • large sized rollers (up to 400 mm);
  • crossbelt unit with sanding belt lenght up to 9500mm and the superfinishing unit, equipped both with "EPICS" electronic pad or with the special system of automatic differentiated working pressures "PWM-3" (exclusive SCM);
  • hand-scraping unit, unique in its kind and it is an SCM exclusive. It is designed to create three-dimensional finishes with a strong impact design.



Multiple machining operations can be carried out in a single machine, thanks to the supporting structure which can house up to 10 machining heads and a power up to 90 kw per operating unit.

Rapid tool change times for disk units, allowed by the taper fitting system for easy, fast setup with maximum safety in terms of locking; and the innovative side extraction system of the disc units on telescopic prismatic guides.

Extremely uniform and high quality surface finishing guaranteed by the multi-directional sanding of the planetary unit and finesand unit. Excellent results are ensured by their use, both on the cross and longitudinal units, by an important belt lenght that offers better cooling efficiency and less dust clogging. Special finishes experts.

Total management of the machine through “eye-M” control panel with 17" touch-screen , the machine is developed according to the Industry 4.0 principles.

Dane techniczne
Working width mm 650-1350-1650-2200
Min/max working thickness with fixed working table mm 3-160
Longitudinal sanding belts width mm 670-1370-1670-2270
Longitudinal sanding belts length mm 1900/2620/3250
Working table height (fixed height from ground) mm 900/1440


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Przetwarzanie danych osobowych zgodnie z dekretem ustawodawczym 196/03 i RODO 679/2016 oraz obowiązujące przepisy
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