gabbiani pt95

(512) 931-1962
Piła panelowa - Piły panelowe - gabbiani pt95

Ideal for craftman and small and medium-sized enterprise requiring a lean and easy workflow.
Single-blade beam saw controlled by PC/PLC control system, designed to cut solid wood panels or panel stacks and its products (chipboards, MDF panels, multilayer panels, plywood panels and fiber panels.
Maximum productivity is ensured by a platform with high loading capacity with any material and format.


An intelligent LED bar system guides the user through the processing steps for intuitive and safe production monitoring.
Rear led bar: continuous assistance during stack loading 
An intelligent LED bar system guides the user during forklift loading of the stack for proper positioning and signals the need for stack change


 Solution that allows the application of power up to 18 kW

FLEXCUT unit: incomparable flexibility and productivity.
Increasing of productivity up to 30% and space saving up to 20% owing to the simultaneous execution of both rip and cross cuts.

SAW SET: tool changing has never been so easy.
In few seconds the "SAW-SET" device carries out a fast and precise tools adjustment due to the electronic setting, allowing an intuitive use of the machine and a productivity increase.

Dane techniczne
Cutting length mm 3300/3800/4300
Cutting depth on platform mm 1850 - 2200
Max. height of panel stack on platform with support beams mm 600
Blade projection mm 95
Saw carriage variable speed  m/min  0 - 120
Pusher variable speed  m/min  70
Main blade motor S6 - 40%  kW (opt.) 7,5 (9) (11)
Motor power with inverter kW (opt.) (11) (15) (18)
Scoring unit blade motor 50 Hz  kW 1,5
Main blade / scorer speed 50 Hz rpm 4650/5850
Main blade / scorer blade diameter mm 370/200
Number of clamps std 5
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