L'invincibile si 3 blade off

(512) 931-1962
Joinery machines - Sliding table saws - L'invincibile si 3 blade off

The blade off system prevents any accidental contact with the blade thanks to an intelligent system that using smart sensors, can recognise the human body and trigger the system even before the operator gets too close to the blade, protecting the danger zone around it, at all times and in all environmental conditions.
The system automatically excludes the blade in a rapid, repeatable and non-distructive way, activating in a few milliseconds, avoiding contact between the blade cutting edge and the human body even at high feed speeds of up to 2 m/s.
Moreover, in the event of an intervention, the system can be rearmed without affecting the accuracy and the performance of the machine.


Due to the detection type, blade off activates regardless of the hand position and any other part of the human body inside the danger zone.
The system operates despite of the personal protective equipment the operator wears; in fact, it also performs perfectly with any type of glove worn.

The new system for circular saws is the innovative technological solution designed by SCM to work in total safety.
The essential design ensures movement freedom related to overall dimensions and aesthetics impact. 

The system provides the possibility of quick reset without compromising the machine quality and stability over time.

The protection is guaranteed on the 3 areas next to the blade (work-piece entrance and side areas) to prevent any possible contact even caused by inappropriate or accidental movements.

Technical data
L'invincibile   si 3 blade off
Squaring capacity with 2200 mm carriage mm 2200 x 3200
Squaring capacity with 3200 mm carriage mm 3200 x 3200
Squaring capacity with 3800 mm carriage mm 3800 x 3200
Cutting width on the rip fence mm 1500
Max. cutting height at 90° mm 120
Max. cutting height at 45° mm 89
Main blade rotating speed (with standard inverter) rpm 3000 ÷ 5000
Scoring blade rotating speed rpm 8500
Main blade motor power kW/Hz 9(11) / 50(60)
Scoring blade motor power kW 1,3
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