Supervisor and control system for line and cells

Office software solutions: Information and Data Flow

Machine software solutions, cell and material flow control: Maestro active watch


Maestro active watch is the supervisory system managing and controlling the production of automatic lines.


Maestro active watch can be fully integrated with existing customer informative system (i.e. ERP including design management systems and MES), realizing a bidirectional data flow:

  • Receiving programs and schedule from the ERP system to launch the production.
  • Feed backing data about production to the company ERP.


Functions and Benefits at a Glance

  • Total control of the process. Continuous monitoring of the entire process, with information about machine status, line status, layout as well as possibility to adjust machining operation list of programs.
  • Productivity under control. Alarms detection and management.
  • Performance under control.
  • Reporting. Real-time and historical data available both as export file as well as charts (alarms report, productivity, status, tracking, etc.).
  • Data feedback. Information and data back to company ERP/MES for further analysis.


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