
Scm Australia Support Software

If you require support or service please contact us.

However, for those customers who have been directed to this page by one of our technicians please use the following link to download our remote support software:

Click here if you are running Windows 7 or later.

(downloads 'SCM Support v15'. when clicked)

Click here if you are running Windows XP

(downloads 'SCM Support v14'. when clicked)

Depending on your browser, you may see a prompt (usually at the top or bottom of your page) asking what you would like to do with the file. If you have the option, select ‘Save and run’, then browse to your desktop, and click save.

When the download has finished the software should open. If it doesn’t, browse to the location you saved the file and double click it.
If you receive a prompt asking whether ‘you want to allow the following program to make changes’, select Yes.

When requested, please read out the ‘Your ID’ field to your SCM Group Technician and await further instructions.