Full automatic cell designed to match production requirement as high flexibility and cutting quality for BATCH 1. The Cell includes the single-blade panel saw machine gabbiani g2 and it is equipped with mobile grippers device FLEXCUT and with three axes loading system Flexstore ELR.
The cell can be equipped on the rear area with a panel pre-loading area and an automatic labelling system for greater versatility, with a considerable reduction in manpower, always guaranteeing high quality levels of single sheet and stack cutting:
1. FLEXSTORE ELR: production flexibility
Panels stacks in different sizes and types
Cells are customizable for cutting quantity and warehouse dimensions to match any customer needs
WATCH STORE, the integrated software with user friendly interface that allows to manage various machining modalities granting high productivity performances.
High performance and Energy saving with Sav€nergy
gabbiani g 2
Single beam panel saw for industrial applications
flexstore elr
Loading flexible warehouse with 3-axes
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