formula unilev 150

(512) 931-1962
Standaard machines - Schuurmachines - formula unilev 150

All the formula machines are guaranteed by SCM, reflecting their level of quality and reliability.

Universal sanding centre with oscillating vertical belt, for craftsmen and professional workshops.


Flexibility and sturdiness
The machine is featured with a motor for the belt feeding with two speeds: 12 and 24 m/sec.
Oscillating belt movement through dedicated motor and gear motor.

The best support for the work-piece
The mobile front extension makes easy the support of large dimensioned panels on the worktable.

Perfect sanding on shaped work-pieces
A machine even more flexible, with the tiltable worktable and the supplementary table equipped with rubber rollers and integrated dust extraction, ideal for sanding shaped work-pieces (it can be quickly installed and removed).

Solutions for every requirement
On the rear side of the machine, the worktable has an adjustable stop for the processing of tilted work-pieces. The belt can be adjusted in height for safe work-piece processing.

Technische gegevens
formula   unilev 150
Worktable dimensions (*total width) mm 1440 x 710*
Table and fence tilting degrees 0 ÷ 45
N.2 belt speeds m/s 12/24
Motor power (* belt with S1 2-speed) kW 2,2/3*
Abrasive belt length mm 2170
Abrasive belt height mm 150
Oscillating unit vertical movement mm 130
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