gabbiani a3

(512) 931-1962
Opdeelzaag - Hoekopstellingen - gabbiani a3

The angular panel saw is designed for the medium-large company and it can be fitted with automatic loading-unloading systems to enable high production rates.
It is equipped with a vacuum cup loading system that manage thin panels and delicate surfaces in compact spaces and very short cycle times. Detailed daily production reports allow an efficient and continuous supervision of the panel saw.
All these machines are equipped with prismatic guides with recirculating ball bearings for both the feed of the saw carriage and the vertical movements of the main and scoring blades.


Maximum machine configuration owed to the wide range of available options, to meet all process and tools setting needs.
Available solutions: automatic precutting, bars with differentiated cuts and automatic labeling in masked time.

Maximum production levels with high feed speeds, 170 m/min on the carriages, 120 m/min on the pusher beam, and high saw carriage power (up to 37 kW).

Maximum integration with complete and flexible solutions to ensure fast loading and unloading processes.

Maximum technology 
The prismatic guides allow to obtain:

  • high cutting precision
  • maximum reliability
  • high resistance to mechanical stress
  • maintenance free thanks to centralised and control monitored lubrication
Technische gegevens
Zaagafmetingen mm 3200x2440, 4500x2440, 5600x2440
Blade protrusion mm 110 - 130 - 145
Main blade engine kW 15 - 18 - 25,5
Saw carriage speed m/min 170
Pusher speed m/min 135
HI-TRONIC device
FLEXCUT device




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