VALTORTA - fixed heads

(512) 931-1962
Finishing systemen - Gietmachines voor coaten - VALTORTA - fixed heads

Curtain coating system that can be supplied with one or more units installed in the machine. The heads are available in two versions: Pressure head: in which the veil is formed by compressing the paint between two stainless steel knives. The structure of the head is technically studied to guarantee an unalterable parallelism of the knives and therefore a perfect calibration of the veil over the whole width. Gravity head: easy to use and reduced maintenance. In this case the applied quantity is adjusted by means of the opening determined by an eccentric steel roller and the veil is formed by gravity. The conveyor transport is controlled by an inverter. In case of integration of the machine in complex lines, a double speed operation can be foreseen for the transport system.


FLEXIBILITY: High curtain coating heads available in pressure or gravity version and in stainless steel version for water-based products. - wide choice of machine lengths to be optimized based on the size of the batches to be processed in line.

EFFICIENCY: Double management of the transport system for optimized management of in-line batches, with control of loading speed, curtain coating and unloading. Double chamber lacquer container with possibility of heating system lacquer installation.

CLEANING: Cuno filter in stainless steel for continuous filtration of the product. Pump system, filter and collection tank designed to avoid the formation of air bubbles inside the lacquer.

Technische gegevens
Working width

1300 mm.

Working height

900 +/- 20 mm.

Feed speed

20 : 100 m/min.

Standard length of the single head machine

3600 mm.

Standard length of the twin head machine

4600 mm.

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