celaschi tmc

(512) 931-1962
Profileermachines en alleskunners - Profileermachines voor vloeren - celaschi tmc

celaschi tmc, served by a dedicated automatic loading system, is the new crosswise profiling machine developed specifically for in-line profiling of planks with different angles, i.e. to meet the latest trend in the flooring sector (chevron and herringbone multilayer parquet).
The double mobile-beam design allows pieces from 45° to 90° to be processed with maximum versatility and accuracy.


MAXIMUM VERSATILITY thanks to the automatic hopper feeder, which can rotate workpieces by 0º, +/-45º and 180º, to meet the production of standard, slanted and herringbone planks with a productivity of up to 10 pieces/min.

PERFORMANCE AND ACCURACY thanks to the double mobile-beam. By combining the opening-closing movements of the left beam and the advancing-reversing movements of the right beam, workpieces are always processed simultaneously on both sides.

Maestro active square
is the SCM specific software for programming and managing celaschi profiling machines. Thanks to the communication with the office, work lists and production reports are easily transferred.

Technische gegevens

Profiling of 2/3 layers 45° flooring

Length min/max


350 – 1.200

Width min/max


65 – 400

Thickness min/max


6 -25

Profiling of 2/3 layers 90° flooring

Length min/max


300 – 4.000

Width min/max


65 – 450

Thickness min/max


6 – 25

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