Ligna 2013

Quattro innovative celle di lavoro per le grandi produzioni per la prima volta in fiera, novità di primo piano per la falegnameria e il mobile su misura, senza dimenticare ambiente e risparmio energetico, con un occhio al design: ecco Ligna 2013 per ScmGroup.


Ligna 2013 in eleven steps

Five days of the fair summarized in 11 key moments that have characterized the SCM Group's stands at Hanover.


Unveiling SCM Accord WD

The new working cell with CNC for the wooden frame was finally unveiled at Ligna: Accord WD, simple, fast and practical, offers the best solution without distinction between productivity and flexibility. Besides the advantage of a high productivity, thanks to the automatic loading and unloading of the pieces, also allows to keep all the flexibility typical of a working centre without sacrificing any performance. Accord WD has not gone by unnoticed, in the center of the booth in Hall 26, fully operational.

The other SCM Group's solutions

Numerous and operational innovations brought to Ligna: starting with the new Accord 20 FX up to the Galaxy 2 with Flexstore device by Mahros. Protagonists also the new cell Easy Order of Stefani in function, and the drilling cell Morbidelli Uniflex. In Hall 11, reserved for premium solutions, spotlight on SCM Tech Z5, protagonist of the event Wood Like, and Tech Z1 Pro as working centers, in addition to the new planer / moulder Profiset 60 EP.

Superfici: finishing first!

Superfici, brand specializing in finishing and painting solutions, has prepared a "virtual" space dedicated to demos and interactive demonstrations through touchscreen, where visitors were able to closely observe the potential of the machines. The demonstrations were carried out both by the operating area of Monza, and the American base. Mission: offering an engaging and immersive experience.

Sav€nergy: less costs, more environment!

The Sav€nergy package made his debut in Hanover: it's a set of actions that you can enjoy and spend less, increasing competitiveness and helping the environment. The green button present on the SCM Group solutions immediately activates the right measures to avoid waste, using energy when and where needed and helping to reduce costs. There are 16 measures provided for: find more on the dedicated page!.

Software: make it simple!

Xilog Maestro, Proview, Watch and Professor Pappagallo: they are the new software designed to help you to perform complex tasks in a simple and intuitive way, thanks to an easy-to-understand look & feel. In the software space, inside the reception area, technicians and engineers have been able to demonstrate the potential of the programs applied to SCM Group's machines , starting from the CNC production lines with high productivity.


The new magazine!

The annual publication "SCM group Leader in Production Process and Technology", distributed on our desks at Ligna, renewed with the 2013 edition. The magazine presents in detail the technological innovations and product of the two divisions (Industrial and Premium), production processes, the most interesting case histories and special projects of the group, as Sav€nergy, new software and initiatives on design.

20 editions of Ligna for Superfici

A certificate of exception delivered by Andreas Zuege, member of Deutsche Messe, to Gloria Valtorta of Superfici: this is the twentieth participation at Ligna for the brand of our group, specialist in finishing solutions. It's an important goal, which emphasizes the constant presence of the brand and of the group in this prestigious German fair.

Frequency Wall

It is the installation that characterizes the SCM Group stand at Ligna: an architectural work in OSB poplar by I-PAN (the only Italian company to produce it in Europe), consisting of 850 panels of different shapes. Design and Planning have been signatured by Bloomlab, while the assembly of the silhouettes was created by Naldini Arredamenti, an italian company related to SCM Group by a long and fruitful relationship. See the video of the making of.

Vaulted Tabled

Presented for the first time at I Wood Like event at the Salone in Milan, the table designed by Bloomlab did fine show in Hall 25, where he captured the interest of visitors, thanks to its innovative structure in wood. The work was carried out using a router SCM 5-axis machining with custom software. The total production of the Vaulted Table has been about a week, using 2 cubic meters of timber for the total production of a machined surface of 12 square meters.

Pininfarina Cambiano

The real star in Hall 11 was the wooden Pininfarina Cambiano, produced by Riva 1920 using SCM Group solutions . The majestic sculpture in wood, which reproduces a 1:1 scale the Italian concept car, has captured the attention and curiosity of the visitors, who have immortalized it in their many shots making it the absolute protagonist of the event. Italian design, Italian technology: a winning combination once again.

Piet, the colourful bookshelf

Piet is the colorful freestanding library exposed and built in series directly on the stand thanks to the Stefani Easy Order cell. The bookshelf are composed of panels of different sizes with a modular design. The new cells specialized in cutting, edging and drilling in batch1 can produce them with agility. The libraries created at Ligna were donated by SCM Group to four institutes: DRK-Hort Kestnerstraße, Paul-Gerhardt-Kindergarten, Hermes Kids Krippe der Deutschen Messe AG, AWO (Arbeiterwohlahrt). SCM Group solutions worked for a good cause!

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Magazine "SCM Group leader in production process 2013"