Earth Day 2020: Scm Group for sustainable innovation

22 آوریل 2020

22 April 2020: 50th edition of "Earth Day" launched by the United Nations to save the Planet. Innovation which focuses on sustainable development has always been one of Scm Group's founding values: to improve the quality of life within the company thanks to a tangible plan of action to reduce waste and refuse; encourage its 4,000 employees around the globe to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle with care and attention given to the surrounding areas we work in; recommend a "green" product and process innovation to those businesses in partnership with our companies.

Earth Day becomes even more significant at this current time: the global Covid-19 pandemic has become an opportunity to rethink our working procedures, improve our production environments making them even safer, healthier and more comfortable, change and optimise our processes in order to make them even more sustainable and better performing and reduce non-essential transfers, making use of those digital tools and services which have allowed us to continue to carry on during these weeks of lockdown, with our co-workers and business partners.

As Scm Group, we will continue along the path already paved with our Corporate Social Responsibility programme which, thanks to the inventiveness and commitment of groups of voluntary employees, has seen the creation of innovative environmental and social related projects as well as those supporting the local areas in which we work. We are proud to support and divulge these ideas to all our industrial sites in Italy.