Machine operator joinery machines

Course code WMO-J
The operator course for Joinery Machines is designed for the profile of a carpentry operator. The training focuses on the use of traditional woodworking machines, such as saw, planer, spindle moulder. An operator will be able to use the machines safely, perform routine maintenance and be able to independently manage the entire work area.
- Product range overview
- Technical characteristics of the machines and processing methods
- Practical tests and machine use
- Explanation on the control panel
- Operative instructions on the correct routine maintenance of machinery (cleaning, lubrication and adjustments due to wear)
- Analysis and workaround of small faults.
Machine operator
Machine models
L’Invincibile range, NOVA range, Minimax range, CLASS range
Teaching method
In-person (c/o campus - c/o customer)
Remotely (webinar)
Italian, english
16 hours (standard, variable on request)